Felix Stripes in Zuzu’s Kigu
Today Felix Stripes was in the mood to get into Zuzu’s Kigu. Big thanks to JazzBadger for taking those awesome photos 🙂
The home of Zuzu Family
Today Felix Stripes was in the mood to get into Zuzu’s Kigu. Big thanks to JazzBadger for taking those awesome photos 🙂
This is just a silly little thing, but I love it so much. A new sewing kit from IKEA.
In March we were in France to go skiing, and JazzBadger saw something beautyful 🙂 A little goat plushie: It is sooooo cute 🙂 The plushie is now with us at home 🙂
Felix Stripes was so excited to come out and play in the snow:)
In november 2017 we had a mood for making a photoshooting at home 🙂 JazzBadger and Balu were the photographers, and I was the model 🙂 It was so fun, I enjoyed it so much.
I’ve decided to make another kigurumi for JazzBadger. I used the same base pattern that I’ve made for Zuzu. (Zuzu kigurumi) Then I’ve cut the template to match JazzBadger’s colors and patterns. And then cut the babysoft fabric along the pattern. Then
We made a little party at home 🙂 Here are the silly pictures of it. ” template=”default” order_by=”sortorder” order_direction=”ASC” returns=”included” maximum_entity_count=”500″]
I’ve decided to make a kigurumi. I’ve made a template out of cardboard. I used the following template as reference but I’ve made my own template from scratch. https://mokulen22.deviantart.com/art/Kyo-Kigurumi-277240742 Then I’ve cut the template to match Zuzu’s colors and patterns. And then
This is just a silly thing I’ve made 🙂
I’m just a little late, but here are some photos of EF 23 this year 🙂 It was fantastic 🙂 Special thanks to Mbuteo. He is a fantastic photographer 🙂 Many many thanks to Lycangel, Equin, Balu, Grion Mbuteo,